Saturday 29 April 2017

Unit 306

Unit 306. Creating and optimising content for the web

Task A.

1. Define the meaning of the term online profile.

An online profile contains text/bio, images and other types of media. You can have personal profiles or business profiles. So for a business' profile it could have a logo that represents the business and the name of the company. Whereas a personal online profile could include a profile picture and a status update.

2. Give two examples of how personal and business profiles are different.

1. A business isn't a profile about one individual, rather it represents the company and everyone in it, whereas a personal profile is just for that individual with a business or many.

2. A personal profile is controlled by that person whereas the business has to have someone else to update the profile and manage it, or even many people to upkeep it for the business.

3a. Explain three principles of optimising online profiles for search engine optimisation (SEO).

1. Such online profiles contain certain key words so that when the business is searched using a search engine it is found quickly and efficiently, which is key for getting more customers for the business.

2. Regularly updating the online profile is also very important as it refreshes the info so returning customers are still interested to find out about your business, people want to see new pictures and info to keep them interested which is important in maintaining your customers interest.

3. When optimising your online profiles make sure that you are not copying anyone else's work, using your own original text and images will optimise your page more, as search engines avoid what they think is spam.

3b. Explain three ways how online profiles should be optimised for search engine optimisation (SEO).

1. Images file names

2. Titles and bios

3. Tags and meta tags, which is a short description of the webpage that comes up on the search engine.

4. Describe four characteristics of an online profile.

1. Logos, an image that is used to represent the business and what people will recognise is your logo and brand appearance.

2. The brand and its values, so that customers are aware of what kind of service they will be getting when they have stuff to do with the business.

3. Bio, maybe short or long but a description of the business, information that makes the customer feel a little closer and personal to the company.

4. Images, great for bringing in new customers and keeping current ones interested with your business.

5. Identify one potential security issue and one potential privacy issue of an online profile.

A potential security issue is, identify thief, people using your personal information and pretending to be you.
A potential privacy issue is, that you cannot control everything everyone does, so there's the risk of people doing things without your authority.

6. Compare and contrast one feature of: blogs, micro-blogs and e-articles.

Blogs, micro-blogs and e-articles are used for different uses in giving people information. Blogs are like a personal diary that can be kept private or public, it can include information and is very personal to you. Micro-blogs are used more in giving content about news information. Finally an e-article is nothing like a blog and is for news articles and analysing the news.

7. Explain four reasons why it is important to use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in either a blog, micro-blog or e-article.

Your aim is to reach as many people as you can, so using SEOs will help you to do this as it puts your blog/micro-blog/e-article higher up in the search results. Search engines favour webpages that are optimised, meaning that it will be in a higher placing to other ones that are not optimised. When people key word search they will more likely come across yours if you have optimised your page. Lastly, web spiders visit fresher content on a regular basis.

8. Explain four ways how either a blog, micro-blog or e-article can be optimised for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

For a optimising a blog you can do many things to optimise the page. Firstly, you can include key words and phrases so that when people search key words your blog will appear in the search engine. Secondly, when using photos in your blog this alone optimises your page but using SEO terms and labels will give it extra optimisation. Lastly, using HTML headers will give your blog a boost on the search engine.

9. Explain two ways how each of the following can amplify and propagate news and information: blogs and e-articles, micro-blogs.

1. Blogs are great for getting information across, as you can include a lot of text and images.
2. Blogs that are amplified with key words and tagged photos can reach more people as search engines look for key words in different subjects including the news and general information.

10. Identify five reasons for using blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles for a business.

1. It is an opportunity to engage with your customers/audience, giving the business a personal touch with their customers.

2. It is a great way to show off new products and write about them.

3. The more activity online the more visible a business will be online and with other people.

4. You can link relevant content with either your products or new information about the business.

5. Showing that your company has good values is important for the customers, so if they see you as a friendly, approachable person they are more likely to want to buy your products and also recommend you to their family and friends.

11. Analyse three advantages and three disadvantages of content syndication for either blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles.


1. Having content syndication for your blogs will save you time overall, as the information that is on your website would automatically be found on your blogs if you had them linked up.

2. Because you are saving time you are also saving money, which for any business is a big bonus.

3. Once you have written something it will reach more people as it will be shared on all your linked medias.


1. Search engines may negatively rate repeated articles and not recommend it to people.

2. Similar search engines may think because it has been repeated, it is some form of spamming, and in general people don't want to re-read information over and over again.

3. There's always the risk of your content reaching the wrong audience if it is being linked to various medias.

12. Explain three ways how engagement and sharing can be encouraged by using either blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles.

1. When writing a blog ask questions and ask for people to share it and share their opinions, making it very clear that you want a response from people and their friends.

2. Making sure that the topics you talk about are interesting and based around your business so it is all relatable for your customers.

3. Make the blog easy to share for people, mention about sharing on Facebook and twitter.

13. Explain four characteristics of well written content for the web.

1. Good grammar is used throughout the article, as this makes the text enjoyable to read as it is easy to follow.

2. Similar point as the first but good spelling is vital, as if not then it makes it look unprofessional.

3. When running a blog for a business you want to come over as friendly, so having a nice manner in your writing and a nice tone can have a big impact on making a article good.

4. Lastly, having your blog optimised for SEO.

14. Explain three ways how content written for the web could positively or negatively affect overall brand, perception and reputation.

1. Having poor grammar and spellings can have an impact on how people view you and the business, they may think you don't care and did a quick job that you weren't interested in. And if you want people to be interested in your business you have to be interested yourself so you have the passion about your products.

2. Business' must be careful when criticising other businesses or people, as this can cause arguments and people may then view your business as negative and not kind to other companies.

3. Linking to the first one, if you do use correct grammar and spellings and take the time to check then people will see you have taken the time to write the blog and have respect for your hard work.

15. Define the meaning of the terms: media and rich media.

Media is content that is written in HTLM on the internet/online.
Rich media is enhanced content which has got images, comments and videos included. Can also  include sharing buttons for sharing the content with others online.

16. Explain the importance of using the following on the web: media and rich media.

Media encourages sharing throughout online platforms as it links content.
Rich media is important feature as it encourages the audience to leave comments, share the page via buttons and overall encourage the interaction with the business and its customers.

17. Explain three ways how the choice of media and rich media can affect overall brand, perception and reputation.

1. All the media that you use for a business needs to be a certain level of quality, otherwise if the quality is poor then this can have a negative effect on the business.

2. If a business' media goes viral then you want to keep your good reputation and not loose it because of a mistake made that people have shared with others.

3. Any incorrect media choices can effect the brand and its name as people may get the wrong view on your business.

18. Explain three ways to optimise media and rich-media for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

1. Using tags and meta tags can optimise media and rich-media.

2. Descriptions

3. Image file names, so that the search engine looks through not only the text but the images to see if its relatable to what someone is searching for.

19. Explain two ways how media and rich-media can amplify and propagate information.

1. It can encourage more views on your page and more readers as it shares on social networks, overall encouraging people to share your media.

2. It can bring extra content and information about your business through images and videos.

20. Define the meaning of the term 'social bookmarking'.

Allows you to do the following: organise, store, manage, share and search for bookmarks and any resources online.

21. Define the meaning of the term 'tagging'.
Creating a label which is attached to another piece of information so that the pieces of information are linked, for example a image or file can be tagged together.

22. Explain three reasons why it is important for a business to use social bookmarking to share content on the web.

1. People can share them either publicly or privately to their friends.

2. People who are following your business can get notifications when you make a new bookmark.

3. Search Engine Optimisation for you webpages and social media platforms.

23. Explain two reasons why it is important for a business to tag content on the web.

1. SEO so that search engines can recommend your content which is tagged to people searching for certain things that are related to your content and business.

2. The business can classify their collections that suit them and make it easy to find them in the future.

24. Define the term 'Really Simple Syndication' (RSS).

It is a method which you can use to deliver frequently updated content automatically.

25. Explain two reasons why it is important to use RSS for distribution of content on the web for a business.

1. When you have published a new blog for example it does it in a standardized format to your other platforms.

2. Customers who are subscribed get a notification when you have updated a post or content.

26. Compare and contrast two social bookmarking tools.

The first bookmarking tool is google bookmarks, this is an extremely easy and efficient way to save websites and to organise them into different folders. Compared to other bookmarking tools, google bookmarks is very simple to use but is efficient in what it is required to do.  

27. Identify five components of a content strategy for either blogs, micro-blogs or e-articles for a business.

1. Define what your content is going to be about, so for example Heirlooms content is always connected to bridal in some way.

2. Get a content calendar so if there are any events coming up then you write about them and have a schedule for your content.

3. Ask questions about your content or get others to look at your work and see if you can answer their questions and accept any changes that need to be made.

4. When it comes to traffic drive make sure that to make it more effective post your blogs at a similar time each week or day.

5. Similar to one mentioned earlier, get friends and family to have a look at your content and as of their opinions and how they would improve it, do this regularly so that your work is up to date and modified as much as possible.

Task B.

Below I have two examples of online profiles, the first one is a personal Instagram profile and the second is a business online profile.

The business online profile for Heirlooms is optimised using links back to the website. This is done by hyperlinking the images back to the website and the products. Secondly after each post/status the website is mentioned so customers know where to find the products.
Key words are also used for optimisation on this profile, two examples of key words used are; bridal accessories and headdresses. Search engines look for common key words used and then filter through to your profile which is what you want to achieve.

Improvements can always be made, so on the Instagram profile, if you wanted to get more followers or likes you could find what people like on your page the most and focus more on taking them kind of photos, secondly using hashtags will bring in more followers and likes, as this links your photo to a key words which people search for.
For the Facebook business profile, more regular posts would boost the amount of views, and including videos would also attract more people, as this is rich media which is interactive and interesting for any audience.

Task C.

Heirlooms is promoting a new headdress which is made using wax flowers.

Make a blog post helping promote the headdress.

Make a status update.

Next I posted a Facebook status which is a great way to inform people about any new information about your business, especially for promoting new products and ideas. When writing the status I used a key word which was 'headdresses' and I also optimised the post by linking it back to our main website which is something google looks for when choosing what to recommend to people searching.

Two suggestions to enhance the content using media or rich-media.

1. Include images which have tags so that they link back to either the website or another social media platform which has more information on the image.

2. Including videos which is appealing to people as it is interactive and more interesting, videos are becoming more and more popular in producing information for customers and the general public.

Four words to use to tag the content.


Screen print of social bookmarking tool, with four websites you have bookmarked relevant to your business.

Above I have created a new bookmark for a wedding shops website, I entered in all the details which makes it easier to find in the future. I went and did this for three other websites as these are all relevant to our customers as they might want to see other local businesses or for our personal use in buying stock from a business.

Now I have four websites which are all relevant to Heirlooms, making it easy for me to find the websites for future reference and I also used labels to categorise them so I know exactly where to find them.

Screen print showing an Really Simple Syndication (RSS) reader with four pieces of relevant content for the business.

Using the tool Feedly I have found four relevant websites/blogs to the business and made a feed named 'bridal' so that I have everything organised for future reference.

Task D.

The two business I will be assessing are: Brides of Bakewell and Sassi Bride. Both are local businesses and are in the bridal industry. I'm going to look at both their Instagram social platforms for the next week.

Brides of Bakewell

Above we can see their six latest activities on their social media platform. All these posts have been posted within a week, so almost a post per day.

Sassi brides

Sassi brides six latest posts were all uploaded within three days a big difference compared to Brides of Bakewell, overall showing that Sassi brides are more active on their social media platforms.

Two similarities and two differences in each businesses activity.


Both businesses are posting weekly making them active on both social media platforms, they are actually posting nearly every day or every other day.

They are both keeping in touch with their customers with liking photos, commenting and posting new posts with information. Overall showing me that both businesses know how important social media is for a business and can open up to more customers and having a personal relationship with them.


Even though they post regularly each week, Sassi brides does post more often, possibly because it is a bigger business.

Overall when it comes to activity they are both very similar.

Three improvements to the content of one of the businesses.  

1. I would encourage Brides of Bakewell to include more rich media, such as videos, as Instagram supports one minute long videos which are very engaging to audiences of all ages. This would be great for getting more followers and customers.

2. Make some of the posts more personal, so that audience can connect to the business on a personal level, you always want a good report with your customers and including personal posts and updates can bring you can your audience closer.

3. Include more engagement with audience by asking questions or what everyone's wedding accessory is.  

Screen prints showing how others mention one of the businesses.

Here on one of Brides of Bakewell posts, they have received a few comments and one uses the handle for brides of bakewell which links it all back to the business. This is good engagement with customers.

Task E.

1. Describe, giving two reasons, why it is important to recognise plagiarism.

Plagiarism is when you take someone else's work and you take the credit for yourself, overall using someone's work and not giving them credit. So it is important when online to give credit to the owner of the work, as it is going against their copyright laws and this can look ill-mannered on the business if they are using others work without permission and without giving credit, as it isn't professional.

2. Describe three principles why Intellectual Property Rights must be considered when writing content for the web.

1. Firstly, if you had written something then you wouldn't want anyone to copy your work, so the same goes for when you write content for the web you shouldn't copy someone's hard work as it is breaking their rights as the creator of that piece of work.

2. You should not use others written ideas for your own as this is going against their rights as the owner of the work and copy rights.

3. Google won't accept your work as a popular piece as it might look like spam if you have used other people work for your own.

3. Describe two principles of Copyright Law that must be considered when writing content for the web.

1. Not using others work for your own and then taking the credit.

2. You shouldn't be making money from others ideas and use them for your advantage.

4. Describe one way to protect each of the following: Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright.

Intellectual property rights can be protected by having it down in writing and making it legal, as this would make it easier to sue someone who uses your work.

Copyrighting a design is protection in itself but having your logo or designs trademarked can protect it even more.

5. Describe one implication of Copyright Law in other countries.

Taken to court for using others work illegally because they have a copy right stating you shouldn't be using it.

6. Describe two methods for discovering either plagiarism, breaches of Intellectual Property Rights or Copyright law.

1. Google will pick it up when looking for websites to recommend.

2. Your business becomes well known for a product or work and it is revealed that it isn't your original work.

7. Briefly describe the purpose of Creative Commons Licences on the internet.

A creative commons licence on your work allows you to decide what happens to your work and how people use it, as long as they give you the credit and follow what you want to happen to your work exactly.

8a. Identify each of the following Creative Commons License icons

This symbol stands for attribution, meaning you have to acknowledge the creator of the work and follow any requirements that they have set.
This symbol means you cannot use the work for commercial uses at all, meaning you cannot make money from their work.
This symbol means you can use the work but you cannot modify it in any way.

8b. State which licence can be used for commercial purpose and what action, if any, needs to be taken.

The first symbol with the person in the circle means you can use it for commercial use but you must name the creator/copyright holder and they might want to have commission from any products sold involving their work.